The Threshold

I recently listened to a two-part presentation by Michael Meade called Thresholds of Change. Part one is called Standing on the Threshold. He believes we are all collectively standing on a threshold, individually, within our communities, and culturally worldwide. I agree with him. 

Living in the world has changed drastically over the past couple of years. As a result, all of us have to make changes.

Some of us are looking forward and want to transform. Some are looking back into an idealized past. And some of us feel it but don’t know how to proceed. But, as Michael says, we are all standing on that threshold.

A threshold is a doorway; a bridge between the now present and the future present. We start on one side and end up on the other. Once crossed, the world we know is never the same.

New beginnings require something. Not letting fear of so many things stop us from taking the steps necessary to move forward.

As I launch this business, this topic is particularly special to my heart. It took months to decide to hang my shingle. I say months, but truthfully, it’s taken years to fully commit to answering the relentless call of using the tools and wisdom I’ve gathered throughout my life to help others. I say fully because, over the years, I’ve dipped my toe into the waters part-time. Now finally, the time is here to jump in with both feet.

There are two choices when standing on a precipice, jump or stagnate. One minute you’re looking into the unknown, then, taking the tiniest step, you’re now standing in-between here and there. The next minute you cross the threshold. There’s no turning back. And life will not be the same again. Dramatic, huh? Yes, it is.

When you think about the threshold standing before you right now, what do you see? How will you move forward? What do you need to feel safe enough to make a move?

Post your answers in the comments below.

The feeling of safety often comes from having enough support to take the right risks. Support is here. 

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