Kind Words
“Amy’s steadying presence has supported and encouraged me as I walk the rugged path of grief and loss. She perceives deeply, listens with empathy, provides confident support, and guides masterfully, all with a light touch and sense of humor. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to work with Amy – to get out of my head and into my heart – a distance sometimes too far to reach on my own, but as close as the next deep breath with Amy’s help.”
– Julie King
“Amy Glin is a fantastic coach. She had a solid foundation in her approach to guidance in finding the next steps. Amy has helped me through difficult times and guided me in recreating the building blocks I had lost. My day-to-day joy has returned. Thank you!”
– Francesca M.
“Since my first session with Amy Glin, I have been feeling so much shifting and improvement in areas that I have been trying to work on for many, many years. Since my early 20s (I’m now 63), I have at times been in therapy, had coaching, and attended many types of therapeutic experiences to try and unravel and understand why I do and think the things I do. Amy is the FIRST of any of these that I have actually felt that I am making substantial progress. After every session, I feel immense gratitude for the guidance and thoughtful way that she helps me to see myself. I am growing and releasing and feeling more joy and happiness, and I give her much of the credit for this. I highly recommend Amy without any hesitation.
“I truly believe that anyone who gets to work with Amy is lucky and blessed!”
– Mindy K.
“Thank you so much for all the guidance you’ve given me. I really enjoy working with you, and it’s changing my life!”
– Connie F.
“In two sessions, Amy got to the core of a 65-year belief that had driven my life. I remain awed by the gifts from the sessions.”
“Working with Amy has been one of the great gifts of my life. Rooted in a high level of integrity, a beautiful curiosity, and deep compassion, her work is powerful and life-changing. I continue to be astonished at the experience of our sessions…the most creative and healing of my life. The self-knowledge I gained and the tools I acquired have served me ever since.
Amy’s the real thing. Her fierce intelligence and compassionate and generous mind create a place of possibility and transformation. I enthusiastically encourage you to treat yourself to her work.”
-Anita Byrd
“I have experienced several sessions with Amy over the past ten years and truly find her an amazing coach with a unique and powerful process. Her sessions are clear and compassionate and result in significant shifts in just one session. Remarkable.
Over the years, I have found Amy to have a very high level of integrity, self-awareness and thirst for what actually works as a healing modality. She has integrated her learning for herself and others and from her professional training into her current framework. I experience Amy’s work as powerful–based on the possibilities of the quantum universe we live in and upon the humanness of our life experience, our resultant beliefs, neurology and emotions. Her work is profound and yet simple.”
-Tricia Bowler
“Often in traditional therapy, one can get the feeling of the setup or construct: questions asked to provoke answers we know are expected. That’s not what this was. Amy was there with me in a figurative way, as a strength to face what was unfolding for me. I wasn’t led by her. I was supported by her. And that very safety net is what allowed me to stay with that vision through to making the discoveries I needed to make. It was an emotionally wrenching experience but critical for my own progress. Her presence beside me in this vision helped me continue with it, and in the end, that’s what really mattered to me. I had the safe space to keep going.
“To this day, I occasionally revisit that place, knowing that Amy’s careful manner with me is the only reason I can still walk there in my mind’s eye when I choose to or need to. I’m grateful she allowed me to open myself up, to learn what I had to learn.”
–Nick Ahlborn
“Amy Glin helped me achieve clarity, vision and insight into my blindspots. Her guidance helped me see my strengths when I couldn’t see them for myself and gave me the tools so I could implement them. I love brainstorming with her because she’s got unique ideas and a wonderful sense of humor. Amy is who I reach out to now when I need a refresher. Her coaching is exceptional.”
-Barbara Deutsch, Career Coach